Monday, August 11, 2008

Sail your Ship

"A Ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for" - Albert Einstein

Well, this saying is surely true. There are storms and high waves in the sea that can sink even a huge ship. But at the shore, even a little ship is much safer, it doesn't need to fear the storms in the sea. But, what is the function of a ship if it just docks at the shore? A ship is built to cross the deep blue sea passes through even the biggest storms and waves. Surely it's very dangerous and life risking, but what a joy we can have if we can pass through them. What a great excitement to defeat the huge storms and waves.

The same thing happens in many aspects of our life. Each of us has our own talent(s). Try to figure out what your talent(s) is/are. And never keep that for yourself, for what is the function of your talent(s) if you don't let it/them work(s) out? Work your talent(s), and let it/them fruit(s) endlessly. Share the grace with the others. And you'll harvest even more.

So, never let our ship docked at the shore. But let's sail it and cruise over seas, to reach the fartest shore, to find the lost land. And remember that, the LORD is never away from us.


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